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The aims of the ANZBACK CRE are to bring together Australia’s leading researchers in back pain and related fields, and key stakeholders, to:
Generate new knowledge that leads to improved outcomes
Develop a platform linking large health data sets to study low back pain care and health outcomes.
Determine the drivers of poor care to identify levers for achieving the right care for low back pain.
Conduct trials and systematic reviews to address important knowledge gaps about interventions for low back pain.
​Promote effective transfer of research outcomes into health policy and/or practice
Improve understanding of low back pain, among patients, clinicians, funders, the media and the general public.
Develop, implement and evaluate new models of care and service delivery.
Work with professions, funders and policy-makers at targeted system-level intervention points to enhance efficient delivery of the right care.
Develop the low back pain health and medical research workforce
Build breadth by drawing in researchers from related fields; and offering interdisciplinary research training.
Build capacity by recruiting world-class clinician researchers, and providing expert mentoring to talented students and postdocs.
Build experience working with research end-users and the wider community.
Facilitate collaboration
Forge a collaborative network of leading researchers in low back pain and cognate disciplines from Australia and abroad, and with end-users and the wider community.
Nurture effective working partnerships and intellectual exchange with other collaborative networks such as the ANZMUSC Clinical Trials Network and WISER Healthcare collaboration
Our aims.
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